We got very, very lucky with the weather on our little boat trip. Apparently, most of the time it is too foggy to see much of the scenery that the ship passes from Puerto Montt to Puero Natalas. Crystal clear blue and white ice greeted us for the short stop in front of Glacier Pio XI. I had only seen one other glacier before, in Iceland, whose name is consonant after constant and 'n' after 'n' in name. That one, however, was covered in black ash from a volcano that had erupted the year prior. It was nearly impossible to tell the difference between the glacier and the surrounding land. This one, on the other hand, rocked shades of blue that I did not think existed in nature. The rest of the scenery included channels surrounded by rock and trees and rain forest and waterfalls. Four days of impressive scenery, I suppose even that can get old after a while. Photos:
The Cargo Ship |